Offer Letter Template


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Guaranteed Safe Checkout



[YOUR COMPANY NAME] is pleased to extend this job offer for the position of (POSTION). We are very
‘excited about your potential and the contributions you will be making for the team and [YOUR COMPANY

‘You will be posted at our (AREA/PLACE] office. You will be working in [DEPARTMENT]. You will directly
‘report to [SUPERVISOR NAME}. Work hours willbe from Monday to Friday, (START TIME] to (ENO TIME).

Your roles & responsibilities will be but not limited to (DETAIL). You will be entitled for annual
compensation of ${NUMBER]. The frequency of payment wal be fortnightly.

‘This employment shall be considered at will and may be terminated at any given time for with reasons,
under the employment and labor code standards.

Please confirm your acceptance of this offer on or before [DATE 2). Please send a signed copy of the offer
letter as an acknowledgement of acceptance. Please feel free to reach out to me for any question or

‘query. can be reached at [YOUR PHONE NUMBER] or [YOUR EMAIL ID]. | will be happy to answer them.

‘We look forward to having you onboard!

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Offer Letter Template